Saturday, January 23, 2010

Addie is walking!

Addie took her first steps on Dec 24th in NC. She took a little break after that, but since the beginning of her 15th month, she has been walking all over the place! We are so proud of our big girl :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Addie's 1st birthday

Addie celebrated her first birthday with many friends and family. We celebrated her actual birthday on Oct. 16th at home with just Mama and Dada. Her party was a few weeks later at a fun new location called Spotlight on 3 Studio. We had a Halloween themed party and all of her friends arrived in their costumes, so cute. Addie was a ballerina of course :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

uh oh

10 months and summer fun!

The end of summer was such a fun time for us. The weather was finally nice enough in Chicago for Addie and Mommy to take adventures throughout the city. We enjoyed long walks together everyday and Addie also tasted her first cupcake, which of course she LOVED! Can you blame the girl? She also had fun meeting her cousins for the first time. Her personality really starts showing at 10 months. She especially enjoys cuddling her animals and gives them sweet hugs, what a Lovey.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

9 month leaps and bounds

Addison's 9th month was a really big month for her! She started crawling with her chest up, cruising, and waiving! Now that she is 10 months old she is starting to imitate everything we do...uh oh, Mom and Dad better watch out! Yesterday Addie asked me for her Baba (bottle) and gestered "more" one of her signs that she has created. She also likes to imitate "Where is thumpkin" with her blueberries. She is eating almost everything we eat, just in much smaller portions. Her favorites are bananas, blueberries, american cheese, meat purees, graham crackers, and avocado. We've been enjoying the nice weather this summer, going to the parks, zoo, nature museum, farm, and our favorite Ohio st beach(which is conveniently located near the Michigan ave stores!) We are also still enrolled in swimming and Gymboree with our buddies Maddie and Laura Kendall.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First Fathers Day, a proud Papa!

Can't believe we almost forgot to post pics from this fun first day!! Addie is such a Dada's girl. She says Dada way more than Mama, which she only says if she is REALLY upset. She thinks her Dada is the funniest person ever, and I love watching them together, it always makes me smile and forget everything else. We Love you Dada!

Grandmommy's visit to Chicago!

Addie has been blessed to have so many visitors this summer, especially Grandmommy! We did lots of shopping, yes we hit many good sales! Yeah for the Gold Shoes! We also enjoyed showing Grandmommy our classes at Bubbles Academy, Gymboree, and Swim class. The highlight was when we visited Great Grandma at the Belmont!!