Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Addie's 1st birthday

Addie celebrated her first birthday with many friends and family. We celebrated her actual birthday on Oct. 16th at home with just Mama and Dada. Her party was a few weeks later at a fun new location called Spotlight on 3 Studio. We had a Halloween themed party and all of her friends arrived in their costumes, so cute. Addie was a ballerina of course :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

uh oh

10 months and summer fun!

The end of summer was such a fun time for us. The weather was finally nice enough in Chicago for Addie and Mommy to take adventures throughout the city. We enjoyed long walks together everyday and Addie also tasted her first cupcake, which of course she LOVED! Can you blame the girl? She also had fun meeting her cousins for the first time. Her personality really starts showing at 10 months. She especially enjoys cuddling her animals and gives them sweet hugs, what a Lovey.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

9 month leaps and bounds

Addison's 9th month was a really big month for her! She started crawling with her chest up, cruising, and waiving! Now that she is 10 months old she is starting to imitate everything we do...uh oh, Mom and Dad better watch out! Yesterday Addie asked me for her Baba (bottle) and gestered "more" one of her signs that she has created. She also likes to imitate "Where is thumpkin" with her blueberries. She is eating almost everything we eat, just in much smaller portions. Her favorites are bananas, blueberries, american cheese, meat purees, graham crackers, and avocado. We've been enjoying the nice weather this summer, going to the parks, zoo, nature museum, farm, and our favorite Ohio st beach(which is conveniently located near the Michigan ave stores!) We are also still enrolled in swimming and Gymboree with our buddies Maddie and Laura Kendall.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First Fathers Day, a proud Papa!

Can't believe we almost forgot to post pics from this fun first day!! Addie is such a Dada's girl. She says Dada way more than Mama, which she only says if she is REALLY upset. She thinks her Dada is the funniest person ever, and I love watching them together, it always makes me smile and forget everything else. We Love you Dada!

Grandmommy's visit to Chicago!

Addie has been blessed to have so many visitors this summer, especially Grandmommy! We did lots of shopping, yes we hit many good sales! Yeah for the Gold Shoes! We also enjoyed showing Grandmommy our classes at Bubbles Academy, Gymboree, and Swim class. The highlight was when we visited Great Grandma at the Belmont!!

Aunt Ernie's spontaneous visit to Chicago

Addie had so much fun hanging out with her Fairy Godmother for 4th of July! They went to the park together and laughed and Addie even learned a new trick, waiving! She is still perfecting the waive everyday we walk down the stairs and past the hall mirror as she catches a glipse of that pretty baby girl in the mirror :)

First swing

Once the temperatures were finally over 50 degrees by July we were able to go out and enjoy the parks in our neighborhood, yes it was a long.....winter! Addie is really enjoying her swings and giggles with delight! She also enjoys looking at the other big kids, aspiring to swing as high as them oneday too!

Side poser

Addie is a fan of a position we call the side pose. I am pretty sure it is a hybrid of her roll/sitting up faze. Even now that she is initiating sitting on her own, she still enjoys a good side pose to stop and check things out :)

Swim Class

Addie enjoys swimming every Wednesday with her friend Maddie Kendall. Last week the babies just started going under water and let me tell you that Miss priss was NOT a fan! We just signed up for another 8 week session, so to be continued on the under water status!


For some reason Addie thought it was funny when Dada told her that mommy was "Chopping Broccoli."

7 month highlights!

Addison started army crawling around 7.5 months. She pulls forward with her right arm and pushes off with her left back foot. Quite a technique she created! She is also feeding herself her own bottles which is very helpful to Mommy, and when eating solids she is very independant! She takes the spoon herself and when she is done eating politely hands it back, well usually :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Addie's first 2 teeth!

Here are signs of Addie's first 2 bottom teeth! They started coming in at 8 months!

Litchfield Beach, May 2009

Here are some highlights from Litchfield Beach. Addison had fun hanging out with Grandmommy and Grandaddy. She enjoyed her first touch of the Atlantic Ocean...brr it was a little chilly!

Mommy's a slacker!!

Ok, for all of you blog followers, Addison and Mommy appoligize for the delay in updates. Addie has been moving around like crazy and keeping Mama VERY busy! Since our last post in April, Addie visited Litchfield beach where she perfected her rolling capabilities, started army crawling around 7.5 months, and is now pulling herself up to a standing position on any and everything she can find!! Besides the army crawl with the right arm and back left foot, her most unique quality is that she is truly a gigglepus!! She LOVES to laugh, especially when dada comes home. She will find any reason to smile and giggle, so cute! Oh, and she also got her first 2 bottom teeth around the beginning of month 8. Other highlights are first fathers day, Aunt Ernie's surprise visit to Chicago, and Grandmommy LiNelle's visit to Chicago. We have been enjoying the summer and spending our days at Gymboree and Swimming classes. Addie put her head under water last week and oh so not a fan!

All our love and hope to keep up better with blogging, we promise!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Addison's 1st Beer

That's right. Addie has never even used a sippy cup. She just went right for the pint of Guiness!

Addison's Baptism

Addison enjoyed the whole family being together for her big day! She had two outfits. She wore an heirloom petticoat that had been passed down for several genrations. Grandmommy added lace and a silk hat and jacket to make the outfit a little more appropriate for the Chicago Spring.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

The call me Lady Gaga

Yep, my first word was "Gaga".

Go Heels!

Yeah!! The Tarheels mens basketball team won the 2009 championship, and I was there to celebrate!

Mommy's Birthday

This time last year Mommy was pregnant with me and not feeling too hot. She was happy to be able to celebrate sick free this year with me in her arms :)

Addie's first boyfriend

Addison met Connor Freudenberger for the first time and loved him! Aren't they a cute couple??!

Eating solids for the 1st time!

Addison loves her big girl food! Her first food was rice, then pears. She has also tried applesauce, bananas, sweet potatoes(YUM!), and carrots (Messy).