Friday, February 27, 2009


The word has it at VanKampen that I'm a gigglepuss!

Enjoying some Carolina sunshine

Furry friends

I met some doggies! Ava was especially interested in me and pretended I was her own puppy.

First trip

My first plane ride to see grandmommy and grandaddy in NC! I traveled through the airports in a baby bjorn and was such a trooper. Mommy just kept feeding me on the flight and I was happy. I also loved people watching, who doesn't in airports :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Look how Super Bowl Sunday inspired our girl!

Yes, we documented the rollover thanks to Aunt Nancy!! That's right, she was watching the superbowl and realized her coordination and strength which inspired a rollover from front to back!!!

In the new Janie and Jack outfit

Yes, mommy can't resist this store called Janie and Jack! Such beautiful clothes and we hit a really good sale :)

Addie is starting to grab things!

The other day we were playing and she went straight for mommy's face and grabbed the glasses! This is just the beginning of many things she will probably be determined to go for and call her own!

Addie's first Christmas! Sorry it took us a while to get this up...we are still learning the beauty of blogging!

Gym time

Who's that lady?